On the left side of the screen, the Shared Content toolbar appears. From this toolbar, you can perform these tasks. You can also customize the toolbar to add or remove buttons. You can also move buttons to other toolbars on the page.
Step 6 Edit the DWG or PDF. The DWG or PDF is the file you are working on. If you open an existing DWG or PDF file, you see the model or drawing that you created in Step 1. If you create a new drawing, you see the default drawing that you created in Step 2.
This process creates the tags in the header in a DWG file. The tags in the header are named the same as the object type. For example, if you are drawing a circle, you would create a tag named CIRCLE. If you are drawing a line, you would create a tag named LINE.
When you create a tag, it is also added to the viewport that shows the drawing. For example, if you create a tag named LINE, the LINE tag is added to the drawing's viewport. You can find this viewport by double-clicking the tag. The tag displays an arrow in the upper-right corner of the viewport.
You can move the tags and text boxes to different parts of the header by right-clicking and selecting Move or Move and Delete.
AutoCAD creates the tags and text boxes.
You can add labels and note numbers to the DWG file. You can select a label from the Label toolbar. The Label toolbar is available from the Object toolbar, as shown in the following figure. The number of labels in the Label toolbar is shown in the following figure.
The label is added to the drawing. The text box automatically displays the label's number. You can control which labels are displayed by clicking the Edit Labels button on the Label toolbar. You can delete or move labels on the drawing by right-clicking and selecting Delete or Move.
You can configure the Object toolbar to display other objects. For example, you can display the Start button, Measure tool, or Layout toolbar on the left side of the screen. You can show the Ribbon toolbar.
These are referred to as active panes. Active panes are not visible when you open the drawing.
The Drawing pane displays the drawing that you created. You can add a new drawing by clicking the Add button on the Drawing pane's toolbar. You can hide 01e38acffe
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